Musings of An Infant Blogger…

Instalment Two...

Social Media etc:
I need to set up a face book page, Pinterest and link both to my blog. I have only got as far as login in…

How to do things on my blog. This can take forever. Wanting to do something on my blog, googling how to do it, having a cup of tea, reading the search result, attempting to follow the instructions, having a biscuit because sugar levels have dropped...need I go on....

Do I add a page views counter?

Post Plan:
This needs to happen. I have so many half written posts that I really need to start scheduling them but I am fast learning that I only want to  work on a post that I like the most, a bit like red wine or sweeties…

All have been so nice giving advise, feedback, leaving comments, following, makes me so happy, just so happy.



  1. Hi J,

    Making changes on a blog does indeed take forever,
    by the time you google how to do it
    try and put it in place
    and then see if you are happy with it
    it is huge effort!

    I don't think you need a stat counter
    I had one and removed it as basically
    it wasn't telling me anything that blogger stats

    Facebook page....
    hmmm. I set one up, it took me forever and ever
    and I got it wrong so many times
    now that it is set up I don't think it is of any
    real use.

    I have almost 250 followers on the blog
    I get roughly 30/35+ comments a post
    last week I got 62
    On Facebook I have 54 followers, very few comment
    If I put up a photo I may get at the absolute most 5 likes.
    A blog is time consuming enough
    but writing blog posts and separate posts for FB
    is a nuisance.

    That's only me, you might feel you need one
    and if you need any help just shout.


  2. Thank Fiona for the advise, you have been so good taking the time to share your advise with me. I defo agree with you on the counter.Not for me. And Facebook,I think that is super advise. For now I am going to concentrate on my blog.


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